WANTED – 2024 Board Members

The Coronado Thunderbirds Club NEEDS YOU!
If you feel the call to serve, please contact John P. Anthes, Past President (or any of our Board members), if you wish to serve as Chair to any of these committees.
We have members elected unanimously who stepped up to fill our 2024 Board openings — a couple are still available:
- President – OPEN
- Vice President/Programs Chair – OPEN
- Secretary – OPEN
- Treasurer – Alice Kilgo
- Membership – Tom Laub
- Entertainment – Karl Gass
- Newsletter – Diana Frederick
- Calling – Guylaine M. Pollock
- Website Administrator – Rick Bell
- Past President – John P. Anthes
- Awards – Assigned – OPEN
- Tours Coordinator – Chris Korbin
The incumbents would be grateful, and they will train you, as well. Plus, there are other experienced Board members who are willing to assist if you have questions. Serving is a meaningful experience and a fun opportunity!

There is no way to write down duties that ensure an organization works well. Nevertheless, here is an attempt to get us all on the same page.
Board members have help. Needed info can be collected by board-member committees (not everything is listed, all have responsibility to get info into our newsletters and web site when updates are warranted). Please ask for help any time help is needed. Board members have access to the MVC bulletin board and are empowered to improve it. All should try to come to the Board and general meetings. Reports should be given to keep the Board up-to-date and to keep the minutes accurate. The By-laws also help with what’s needed.
President: Try to get us all at least working on the same page – even if it involves pulling in opposite directions. Appoint a chairman for the Awards nominating committee in June and at least 3 other members of the committee to present a slate of offices at the September Annual Meeting.
Vice President: Gather programs for February, March, April, May, June, July, October, November, and the following January at least. Arrange for monthly member meetings to provide any special equipment needed for a meeting. At the year’s beginning, make reservations for the Board and general meetings.
Secretary: Keep accurate minutes of club meetings. Count attendees at general meetings and report the number at each Board meeting. Send cards to members as required on behalf of the Board. Keep historical records. (Help recommended at least for the attendee count.)
- Collect dues/checks and deposit in Club bank account.
- Write out a receipt in receipt book (for documentation only) for dues received.
- Present monthly financial report to the Board.
- Collect money for various functions.
- Conduct drawings for lunch vouchers at most general meetings.
- Present vouchers to winners at general-meeting drawings.
- Assign an alternate chair in cases where elected chair is unavailable to process badges
- Update member roster (Excel spreadsheet) each month and provide to Board members
- Provide updated member roster prior to mailing of monthly newsletter – no later than the last day of the month
- Send out late dues notice/reminder to members in January by mail, email, phone calls
- Furnish club info to those interested
- Provide Base Pass forms to new/existing members via email/mail with instructions. (Once forms are returned, Membership Chair/Alternate will hand-carry to Badge office for processing.)
- Report number of members at each Board meeting.
- Serve as Club’s primary point of contact for Badge office
Entertainment: Make arrangements for all special events such as parties, picnics, and club social functions. The August picnic, September ice-cream social and annual meeting, and the December Christmas Party all have their special needs. By-Laws say you get help here from the VP; as with all, you also have help from committee members. Negotiation with MVC for special events is stressed as important – especially for the August picnic and for the Christmas parties that were overpriced at times in the past.
Newsletter Editor: Edit and publish newsletter (monthly newsletter) and updates, as warranted. Coordinates USPS distribution with provider. At Board meetings report the number of newsletters sent via USPS. Edit and publish Updates to the newsletter as needed for member communications.
Website Administrator: Maintain the Club website by keeping it updated; distribute digital communications. At Board meetings report the number of members who are sent digital communications during the month.
Tours Coordinator: Identify and arrange for group tours. Lead the group or select an alternate as needed.
Calling: Gather info and transfer to callers for each monthly member meeting, and at other times when needed. Maintain a calling committee, that can also willingly assist as needed to communicate with members.
Awards: Make announcements allowing members to recommend award winners, have a Founders’ Award winners meeting each summer to select awards and present the awards at the September general meeting. Helpers from the recipients of the Founders’ Awards can also be used as needed.
Past President: You are needed. Help where you can. Advise us all. You are our experience guide.
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